Employee Leasing
Employee Leasing:
Employee Leasing/PEO programs:
We recognize that not every account wants, needs or can get a standard work comp program. Sometimes a PEO option is the best option for your insureds. A PEO option can be cheaper and easier than the JUA and if a standard market program cannot be found, a PEO provides the best solution for your insured’s worker compensation needs.
Viking PEO Brokers was formed as a subsidiary of Viking Underwriters to place Employee leasing programs. We represent and work with the best Employee Leasing companies. Viking PEO Brokers have in house leasing specialists that can develop the best PEO program for both the agent and the insured.
Here is a short list of the types of accounts we can place in a PEO:
- General Contractors
- High loss history, high mod and poor payment history account
- Height exposures
- Multi-state risk
- Small construction, 1 -2 man construction accounts
- Heavy construction
- Trucking
- Tow Trucks
Viking PEO Brokers can guide you or handle the whole process from the initial sale to the set up. We do all the work for you and pay very competitive commission!